
South Pine Touch Annual General Meeting, Sunday, 30 June 2024

The South Pine Touch Executive Committee advise that the Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held on Sunday, 30 June at 4pm at the South Pine Touch Clubhouse.

Notice of Meeting

Current Constitution

Two Executive Committee positions are up for nomination this year:

Vice President and Secretary

Nominations received:

Vice President - Dylan Rovere - Bray nominated by Keiran Trenerry and Rebecca Trenerry

Vice President - Emma Leeming nominated by Annette Payet and Divinia Tuwairua

Secretary - Kristie Wiesner nominated by Danika Graham and Annette Payet

Secretary - Rebecca Trenerry nominated by Jade Bredhauer and Samantha Bishop

Any queries with regard to the AGM can be directed to a committee member or emailed to

Phone Number for South Pine Touch

Please note the South Pine Touch phone number is 0499 039 239.  This is for all player and team enquiries, notifications of forfeits or general information. Alternatively you can contact the committee/administration via our email  

Please note that both the phone and email are monitored by volunteers. Enquiries on competition days will be monitored more regularly, however outside of these days the committee will endeavour to respond to your query within 48 hours.

Wearing Team Shirts

All players and referees are reminded that if in the cold weather they wish to wear a jumper or long-sleeved shirt on the field at the commencement of play, the item is to be worn underneath the team playing shirt.  

It is important that players and referees can be identified on the field by their team/referee's shirt and their playing number.

There are no excuses for not having your playing shirt/referee's shirt visible.

Wet Weather

In the event of wet weather, a decision to continue play or postpone games will not be made until 5pm on game day. If a decision to postpone games is made a notice will be posted on the website and South Pine Touch's Facebook page.

Please do not contact the South Pine administration until after this time.

Notification of Team Forfeit

If a team needs to advise of a forfeit, please do so by either emailing or contacting the competition night administrator on 0499 039 239.   

We ask that you consider the opposition if there is a need to forfeit and that you advise of the forfeit as early as possible. Notice after 4pm on game day will result in a 5-0 win to the opposing team and 0 allocation of points for the forfeiting team.